Adobe Digital Editions 2.0 Free Download For Mac

Use these solutions if you can't install Adobe Digital Editions from, or from the Help menu in Acrobat or Reader.

  1. Adobe Digital Editions 4
  2. Adobe Digital Editions 4.0 Download

Use a different browser to download Adobe Digital Editions from

  • Mozilla Firefox:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer:
  • Apple Safari:

Uninstall previous versions of Adobe Digital Editions for Windows

You must have administrator privileges to complete these steps

Update adobe digital edition

Home Free Software Adobe Digital Editions for Mac 2.0 Adobe Digital Editions for Mac 2.0 Adobe Digital Edition let you add new items to your library and distribute them in different categories, read a selected book on the screen with several viewing options, insert bookmarks in your book and easily move around pages. Use these instructions to download and install Adobe Digital Editions on Windows 10, 8,7, or XP. Digital Editions. Learn & Support Free Trial Install Adobe Digital Editions on Windows 10, 8, 7, and XP. Digital Editions User Guide Select an article: Select an article: Applies to: Digital Editions. 某些 Creative Cloud 应用程序.

  1. Do one of the following, depending on your version of Windows:

    • (Windows 7) Choose Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs And Features.
    • (Windows Vista) Choose Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs And Features.
    • (Windows XP) Choose Start > Control Panel, and double-click Add Or Remove Programs.
  1. Select Adobe Digital Editions, and then click the option to remove or uninstall the program.
  2. Restart your computer and reinstall Adobe Digital Editions.

Manually install Adobe Digital Editions for Windows

Adobe digital editions 4
  1. Download the installer for Windows by clicking as shown below. Then, extract the .zip file.



    Installer downloads to your computer's downloads folder by default.

  2. Double-click the ADE_4.0_Installer.exe file on your desktop to start the installation.

  3. When a message appears asking you to trust the publisher, click Run again. You can safely download the Adobe Digital Editions installer from Adobe.

Uninstall previous versions of Adobe Digital Editions for Mac OS

Adobe Digital Editions 4

It's necessary to have administrator privileges to complete these steps.

  1. Drag the digitaleditions1x5 folder to the Trash, and empty the Trash.

Manually install Adobe Digital Editions for Mac OS

  1. Finish installing or uninstalling any other applications.
  2. Uninstall any earlier versions of Adobe Digital Editions.
  3. Download the installer package for your Mac OS X machine:



    If you clicked the wrong Mac OS X platform, an error message appears. Close the message box and click the correct link to restart the installation.

  1. Click Open in the File Download screen to start the installation.
    Note: If your connection times out, click Save, instead of Open, to save the installer package to your desktop.
  2. If necessary, unzip the .zip file. If you're using Safari as your browser, or if Firefox is set up to unzip files, the file unzips automatically.
  3. Double-click the .pkg file to start the installer, and follow the onscreen instructions.

Adobe Digital Editions 4.0 Download

Note: If your connection times out, save the installer package to your desktop. (Click the link for your Mac OS X machine, and then click Save.) Double-click the file to start the installation.

You can install Adobe Digital Editions 4.0 in Mac OS X by following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Click Download tab. Downloads page for Adobe Digital Editions appears.

  3. Click Download Digital Edition 4.0 Macintosh (18.7 MB)

    ADE_4.0_Installer.dmg file downloads to your computer.

  4. Double-click ADE_4.0_Installer.dmg file from your computer, to start the installation process.

  5. Select the destination for the drive where you want to install Adobe Digital Editions. Digital Editions only installs on the drive where Mac OS is installed. Once you have selected the destination, click Continue.

  6. Mac OS X asks that you authorize the installation. Enter an administrator account name and password to authorize the installation.

If you have difficulties with the installation process, see Can’t Install Adobe Digital Editions